It’s National Healthcare Decisions Week and in its honor, the Wisconsin State Bar has a free guide available for download through the week.
This guide explains the Power of Attorney (POA) for Healthcare form and the Declaration to Physicians, plus a copy of each form is included in the guide, -- along with lots of useful information about other aspects of health care such as Do Not Resuscitate orders.
The POA Healthcare form allows you to appoint an agent to make health care decisions when you cannot. Without it, your family or friends may have to go to court to get the authority to direct your care. The Declaration to Physicians form allows you to tell your physician what you want done in the event of a terminal condition or persistent vegetative state.
Final tip: If you spend lots of time in another state, you will want to look into their form also. Remember, the guide deals specifically with Wisconsin law.
Getting these healthcare forms in place is a big step forward toward building your estate plan.